Recent Events

We’ve been doing some events related to our new book, Inflation.

We did a “virtual event” with the Discovery Institute. Elizabeth Ames served as the moderator, which worked well since she knows the lay of the land.

Click Here for a video of our virtual event with the Discovery Institute.

This event was with the Manhattan Institute’s Adam Smith Society. Allison Schraeger served as the moderator. She hit the most important points.

Click Here for a video of our event with the Manhattan Institute.

Some of the podcasts I’ve been doing related to Inflation can be found at Padverb, a podcast aggregator/organizer:

My feed at Padverb.

I did a longer interview with Angelo Robles, with more of a family office/private wealth theme. It’s at YouTube.

Interview with Angelo Robles via YouTube.

Many thanks to all those who have taken an interest in our book. The response has generally been pretty good. We wanted a book that would reach out to regular people, not economic specialists or policy-wonky people. But, we also wanted to deal with economic subjects in a rigorous way, which also differs from a lot of mainstream economics. Also, we wanted it to be short enough that it would not be intimidating.